Registration, submission & payment information


General procedure


There are three different mandatory registrations to attend the symposium, on this page you will find information for each step. Please find the instructions below :


1) Create a account, and then visit the registration page :

2) On this page, you will be able to register to the symposium and then to submit an abstract on the submission page ( if you want to present your work.

3) The final step is the registration on azur-colloque platform ( This is the payment platform, and this step is mandatory even if your registration is free.


Please wait for your submission selection before you proceed to the payment, but if you do not want to submit any abstract for a 20-minute talk, please register to azur Colloque platform as soon as possible.



Registration dates : 2023/09/18 to 2024/01/19 included.


Create your profile, log in to your account, register to the symposium and submit your abstract.




Abstract Submission

Deadline for abstract submission : 2024/01/03.


Abstracts can be submitted on three different purposes:

- poster presentation (A0 format)

- poster presentation (A0 format) with a 3-minute related pitch

- a 20-minute talk (15 min + 5 min questions).

The young organizers will select the 20-minute talks and the 3-minute pitches (if necessary).

The speakers selected for a 20-minute talk will be invited to the conference (free registration, travel from France or Europe and accommodation paid by the Symposium).


The organizers invite you to submit to both 20-minute talk and 3-minute pitch to maximize the probability of presenting your work.

Five best posters will be elected by all participants and the organizing committee, taking into account the 3-minute related pitch for 3 of them. The winners will receive best poster awards (200 euros from AFEM).


For a simple attendance to the symposium, please refer to the next section.



Payment will be performed via Azur-colloque platform (, where you will select among 6 available options, as detailed below:

- free but mandatory registration: invited speakers, speakers selected for a 20-minute talk , Master's students and organizing commitee attending to the symposium only

- free but mandatory registration: invited speakers, speakers selected for a 20-minute talk , Master's students and organizing commitee attending to the symposium and the dinner

- attendance to symposium and dinner: 88 €, payment by CNRS purchase order (for CNRS members only) 

- attendance to symposium and dinner: 88 €, payment by credit card 

- attendance to symposium only: 55 €, payment by CNRS purchase order (for CNRS members only)

- attendance to symposium only: 55 €, payment by credit card




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