The symposium was mainly funded by MICROBES.
MICROBES is an interdisciplinary center at the Paris-Saclay University, dedicated to training, research and technology transfer in microbial sciences. MICROBES is over 600 researchers and (assistant) Professors, working in 120 research teams of 34 institutes. The primary Graduate Schools of MICROBES are BioSphERa, Health and Drug Sciences, and Life Sciences and Health. In addition, MICROBES teams are also members of the Graduate Schools Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering and Systems Sciences, and Physics.
The symposium was supported by a public grant from the “Laboratoire d’Excellence Physics Atoms Light Mater” (LabEx PALM) overseen by the French National Research Agency (ANR) as part of the “Investissements d’Avenir” program (reference: ANR-10-LABX-0039-PALM).
The LabEx PALM is a large consortium of 31 institutes and laboratories of Paris-Saclay Université, gathering more than 700 permanent physicists (researchers, university lecturers and researchers, engineers...) working on a broad set of subjects in fundamental and applied physics.
The AFEM contributed to the symposium through the funding of poster awards.
The AFEM, Association Francophone d'Ecologie Microbienne, is a French non-profit association. It aims at bringing together microbial ecologists from France and other French-speaking countries working on communities of bacteria, archaea, micro-eukaryotes and/or viruses, with a view to fostering scientific contacts and partnerships and promoting the transfer of knowledge in microbial ecology.
The Paris-Saclay Graduate School LSH supported the symposium by funding attendance fees for students.
The GS-LSH, Graduate school : Life Sciences and Health, includes all the activities in Paris-Saclay University related to Biology, Health and Bioinformatics. It gathers 73 institutes or laboratories and more than 1000 students, federating resarch and training in these domains at Paris-Saclay University.
The Paris-Saclay Graduate School Biosphera supported the symposium by funding attendance fees for students.
Biosphera is an interdisciplinary Graduate School rooted in the field of Earth Science, that works alongside Graduate Schools in the fields of Science & Engineering and Social Sciences & Humanities. It brings together 100 research teams and more than 500 students, federating resarch and training in these domains at Paris-Saclay University.
INRAE also supported the symposium with funding from the INRAE MICA Division. The MICA Division studies microorganisms (bacteria, phages, yeasts, fungi, microalgae), whether they are related to food, associated with animals and humans or used in biotechnologies and environmental biorefineries. Its research objectives are to understand the functioning and improve the management and valorisation of microorganisms and microbial ecosystems.
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